General conditions of use of the CINELUX service

(wording effective from 19.4.2024)


Article 1

General provisions

1. TV LUX s.r.o., with registered office: Prepoštská 5, Bratislava 811 01, Slovak Republic, ID: 36 827 541, registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Department: Sro; Insert number: 47710/B (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator") is a provider of an on-demand audiovisual media service called CINELUX (hereinafter referred to as "CINELUX"), made available to the public via the website < > (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), as well as the mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Mobile Application"). The operator is also the owner and operator of the website < >, the mobile application and the on-demand audiovisual media service TV LUX, made available to the public via the website < > . For the avoidance of doubt, the term Website and/or Mobile Application means the entire content listed on it, part of it and/or the service provided by it.       

2. The operator runs the Club of Friends of TV LUX (hereinafter referred to as the "Club"), whose members help develop TV LUX and thereby spread the values ​​of the gospel with donations, prayers or practical help. Membership in the Club is voluntary, free of charge and not legally binding.         

3. These general conditions regulate the rights and obligations of the User and the Operator arising in connection with the use of the CINELUX service, any part of it or its content (hereinafter referred to as "General Conditions"). The user entering and/or using the CINELUX website and service gives his/her consent to the General Terms and Conditions and their content by entering the website and undertakes to comply with them.       

4. The website and Mobile application and their content, as well as any content made available by the User as part of the CINELUX service, are protected in accordance with Act no. 185/2015 Coll. Copyright law. Any unauthorized intervention, use, copying or imitation of the Website and Mobile Application and/or their content, including trademarks or other markings owned or authorized by the Operator or a third party, is against the legal order of the Slovak Republic. In the event that such actions cause damage to the Operator and/or a third party, the User is obliged to compensate the Operator for the resulting damage. In the event of a violation of any of the provisions listed in these General Terms and Conditions by the User, the Operator is entitled to apply the measures listed in these General Terms and Conditions and/or other measures and procedures allowed by the relevant legal regulations.        

Article 2

Information before concluding the contract

1. CINELUX is an on-demand audiovisual media service intended for watching programs at the moment the User chooses, it is provided through electronic communications at his special request based on the catalog of programs compiled by the Operator. Its main purpose is to inform, entertain or educate the general public.        

2. The Operator makes the following content available to Users through the CINELUX service:            

a. entertainment content;        

b. educational, documentary and informative content;        

c. programs for children's viewers;         

d. program archive;        

e. audiovisual works (films and series) and other videos based on "video on demand" - "video on demand";        

f. occasional live broadcast of some program services          

            (hereinafter referred to as the "Service" or "Services").

3. The operator makes its content available to a specific User of the CINELUX service, or its part depending on the specific type of package that the User decides to use. Users can use the CINELUX service through the following types of packages:        

a. "CLUBIST" package;        

b. "COMPLETE" package.        

4. Registered Users are regularly informed by the Operator about selected benefits for registered Users of the CINELUX service in the form of a newsletter, which is sent to registered Users in the form of e-mail and contains information about programs and news. Users can unsubscribe from the CINELUX newsletter at any time within their User Account.        

5. The provision of the CINELUX service may be limited to the time absolutely necessary, especially in the case of:        

a. server outage and/or operational failures;        

b. outages of telecommunication lines or other similar facts caused by a third party, which could lead to the unavailability of the CINELUX service.        

6. The operator is not responsible for defects in the CINELUX service or any damage that was not intentionally caused by himself or in cooperation with other persons.        

Article 3

Registration and fees

1. Use of the CINELUX service through any of the accesses is only possible after registration.          

2. Registration is possible for Users over 18 years of age.         

3. The user is obliged to provide all data truthfully during registration. The User account will be linked to the User's entered e-mail address. The customer is responsible for having access to their email account and knowing which email address they used to register.       

4. The Operator maintains a User Account (hereinafter referred to as "User Account") for the User who has registered for the provision of the CINELUX service. Each User is entitled to establish only one User account for one e-mail address.     

5. The user can use the Cinelux service through the "CLUBIST" package or the "COMPLETE" package. Membership in the Club is a condition for using the "CLUBIST" package. During registration, the user enters his Club member number and then automatically gets access to the "CLUBIST" package. Access to the "CLUBIST" package is free for Club members. A user who is not a member of the Club can get unlimited access to the Cinelux service through the "COMPLETE" package. This package is charged in the amount of 5 euros per month.     

6. Contractual communication takes place via the e-mail address provided by the User during registration. The user is responsible for regularly checking e-mails in his e-mail account.        

7. The content offered on the CINELUX service is subject to licensing restrictions. Not all content is available from every country. Some content may be made available exclusively for the territory of the Slovak Republic and/or the Czech Republic.        

Article 4

Claiming the CINELUX service

1. Complaints about the CINELUX service in relation to the playback of a specific video can be submitted to the Operator within 48 hours from the moment the defect occurred.      

2. Complaints about other defects of the Service can be submitted to the Operator without delay and within 24 hours at the latest.         

3. The complaint must include:             

a. an exact description of the defect that the User claims (ie a description of the defect, or how the defect manifests itself);        

b. description of the User's technical equipment, in particular the version of the operating system, applications, name of the Internet provider, connection method (optical connection, ADSL, etc.).    

4. In the event that the User has not provided the Operator with the required data and/or the provided data is ambiguous, the deadline for processing the complaint begins on the day of complete completion of the missing information.            

5. In case of any technical problems, the User can contact the Operator at the e-mail address .        

Article 5


1. The operator makes available within the CINELUX service audiovisual works of his own creation or audiovisual works for which he has acquired the right to make available on the basis of a license granted by the relevant authorized entities (hereinafter referred to as "Title" or "Titles"). Unless expressly stated otherwise, the Title also includes any other object protected by copyright and rights related to copyright, a copy of which has been published by the Operator on the Website, including all personal attributes contained therein.        

2. The Operator reserves the right to remove or add Titles to individual packages at any time and thereby change the range of Titles offered in the relevant CINELUX service package. A change in the offer of Titles in CINELUX service packages is not considered a change in these General Terms and Conditions.        

3. The Operator is entitled to determine the maximum number of devices on which the User can use the CINELUX service. The "COMPLETE" package can be used by the User on a maximum of 3 devices.        

4. The operator is authorized to attach advertising, sponsorship, or another form of media commercial communication.        

5. All Titles made available by the Operator as part of the CINELUX service are intended exclusively for the personal use of the User in the territory of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. Any commercial use of the Titles or their use for business purposes, as well as any other use of the Titles other than that permitted by the User in these General Terms and Conditions, is prohibited by these General Terms and Conditions. The user is not authorized to distribute, copy, record or otherwise use the Titles in any way in violation of these General Terms and Conditions and relevant legal regulations.        

Article 6

Final Provisions

1. The user understands and agrees that the content of the CINELUX service is intended primarily for entertainment, information and educational purposes and does not provide any advice or opinions, for example legal or medical, that could be considered binding and relevant.        

2. The User acknowledges that the Operator does not guarantee and is not responsible for:         

a. the accuracy, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information it downloads to the Website from other sources;        

b. functionality of the User's data network or for its hardware and software equipment;        

c. server outage, operational malfunctions or telecommunications line outages or other similar facts that could lead to the unavailability of the Website;       

d. any potential damages incurred by the User if the User is not informed in a timely manner about any changes to the services due to the fact that he does not use them regularly;      

e. that the Website does not contain viruses or other disruptive components           

f. any damages or lost profits caused by the use or inability to use the websites and/or third-party websites accessed through the websites whether due to malfunction, error, interruption or attack by malicious code or hacker attack.         

3. The CINELUX website and services may not be available continuously, mainly due to regular maintenance of hardware and software equipment or technical failures beyond the control of the Operator.        

4. The Operator expressly draws the User's attention to the fact that the use of any services in violation of these General Terms and Conditions may constitute an illegal act, which may also show signs of criminal activity. Any commercial use of the Website is prohibited.        

5. The user is fully responsible for the secrecy of his username, password or any other registration data and bears all responsibility and any costs incurred in connection with the violation of these General Terms and Conditions.        

6. The User is not entitled to assign or transfer his rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship with the Operator in connection with the use of the Services to a third party, even free of charge. The User agrees that all rights and obligations of the Operator under these General Terms and Conditions may be assigned to third parties without the need for any further consent from the User.        

7. The CINELUX website and service can be changed, content or any elements can be removed from them, at any time, in any way and without giving a reason.        

8. The Operator processes Users' personal data in an automated and manual manner, for the purpose of fulfilling the contract in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. More detailed information about the processing of personal data, the scope of the processed data, as well as the rights of the affected persons can be found here .        

9. The operator has the exclusive right             

a. exercise all property rights to the content of the on-demand audiovisual media service made available through the Website;   

b. condition the User's access to the on-demand audiovisual media service made available through the Website;   

c. refuse or limit the Users' access to the on-demand audiovisual media service made available on the Website, even without giving a reason.   

11. The Operator reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions, while informing the User about these changes in an appropriate way, e.g. by publishing them on the website, at least 10 days before the date of their entry into force. If the User continues to use any of the Services even after the change to the General Terms and Conditions has entered into force, this is considered to be an expression of his consent to the change in the General Terms and Conditions.

12. All relationships not specifically regulated by the General Terms and Conditions, as well as legal relationships arising on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions and in connection with the use of the Services, are governed by the laws of the Slovak Republic, in particular the provisions of the Civil Code as amended.


Annex no. 1


Right to withdraw from the contract

Unless otherwise stated in the General Terms and Conditions, you have the right to withdraw from this contract without giving a reason within 14 days. The period for withdrawing from the contract expires after 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. When exercising the right to withdraw from the contract, inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by a clear statement sent by e-mail to the address .

You can use the sample cancellation form below for this purpose. The withdrawal period is preserved if you send a notice of exercise of the right to withdraw from the contract before the withdrawal period expires.

TV LUX, s.r.o., with registered office at Prepoštská 5, 811 01 Bratislava, ID: 36 827 541 , email:



(fill in and send this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)


TV LUX, s.r.o., with registered office at Prepoštská 5, 811 01 Bratislava, ID: 36 827 541 , email:


I/we hereby announce* that I/we are withdrawing* from the contract for the provision of this service*: ............................... ...........

Date of order/date of receipt* ...........................................

Name and surname of the Registered user/users* ...........................................

Address of the Registered User/Users*.............................................


Signature of the Registered User/Users* ...........................................

(only if this form is submitted in paper form)


Date ...................


* Cross out if not applicable.




TV LUX sro

Registered office: Prepoštská 5, Bratislava 811 01, ID number: 36 827 541

Registered in the Commercial Register of the Bratislava III City Court; Section: Ltd.; Insert number: 47710/B

Contact:  02 / 21 29 55 55 working days 9:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00 


The operator processes the personal data of the persons concerned in accordance with effective legislation, in particular Act no. 18/2018 Coll. personal data protection and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.


The affected person, in terms of valid and effective regulations, according to § 13 par. 1 letter a) Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and Art. 6 par. 1 letter a) Regulation 2016/679,  I grant consent  to the operator for the processing of personal data for an indefinite period of time or until my consent is revoked.


The operator processes the provided personal data for the purposes of establishing and making payments for the Centralized Collection of Population Payments service (hereinafter referred to as "SIPO") based on the Terms and Conditions of Slovenská pošta, as and the terms and conditions of TV LUX, as, Prepoštská 5, 811 01 Bratislava.


At the same time, the operator processes the personal data provided by me also for the purposes of the functioning of the TV LUX Friends Club, for the benefits specified in the terms of membership and other additional benefits for members.

Scope of personal data provided: title, first name, last name, email, telephone, address, year of birth, diocese.


I acknowledge that I can withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data at any time in the same way as the consent was granted. By withdrawing my consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the Club of Friends, I lose the right to membership in the Club of Friends. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of personal data based on consent before its withdrawal. The personal data provided may be further processed for archival and statistical purposes.


I acknowledge that I have the right to request from the operator access to the provided personal data, the right to correct personal data, the right to delete personal data, the right to limit the processing of personal data, the right to object to the processing of personal data, the right to portability of personal data, the right to submit a proposal to initiate proceedings under Act no. 18/2018 Z. z.. I understand that profiling does not occur with the operator. I note that the contact person for providing information to the persons concerned is always listed on the TV LUX website. The operator may also process the provided personal data through another intermediary. I understand that my personal data will not be provided to other recipients without my consent.


I give the operator permission to assign any financial donations to the club number that will be assigned to me and which is used as a variable payment symbol, possibly through the "SIPO" service, exclusively for the operator's statistical purposes. 


I grant the operator  consent to send  information electronically, by phone, SMS or mail, including sending a newsletter and sending other marketing offers and announcements.





TV LUX sro , with registered office: Prepoštská 5, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia, ID number: 36 827 541, company registered in the commercial register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, section: Sro, entry no. 47710/B, represented/contact person: Tomáš Straka, e-mail: (hereinafter referred to as the "operator"),


processes the personal data of the affected persons - respondents based on their consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 on the protection of personal data on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95 /46/EC (general data protection regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR") and with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws as amended (hereinafter referred to as "ZOOÚ").


By clicking on "I agree to the processing of personal data for the purposes of market research" you grant according to § 6 par. 1 letter a), § 9 par. 2 letters a) GDPR to the operator, as a data subject, your consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of your participation in the market survey and its evaluation, including the processing of the so-called special category of personal data, especially data on religious beliefs. (The special category of personal data may include such data that reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or membership in trade unions, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the individual identification of a natural person, data related to health or data relating to the sexual life or sexual orientation of a natural person.)


The granting of this consent and your participation in the market research is completely voluntary. On the basis of this consent, the operator will process your personal data for the purpose of conducting and evaluating the market survey, in which you will participate by filling out a questionnaire at , or by telephone, or by sending a completed questionnaire to the company's headquarters. The operator will process your personal data within the scope of the conducted research, for example mainly within the scope of:

A. Your ID (name and surname),

B. sociodemographic data - statistical data, e.g. about age, educational attainment, special category of personal data (sensitive data), e.g. about religious beliefs.

C. other data that he voluntarily provides us as part of market research.

As part of the survey, data will also be processed from a specific respondent, which he will voluntarily provide as part of the questionnaire. However, the operator processes this data exclusively for a specific statistical or research purpose, or to assign data to the operator's internal database with the aim of personalizing it.


You grant your consent to the processing of personal data for the above-mentioned purpose to the operator for a certain period of time - until the purpose of personal data processing is fulfilled (hereinafter referred to as the "period of validity of consent"). You can revoke your consent to the processing of personal data for this purpose at any time by sending a request to .


After the expiry of the validity period of the consent, or after receiving your revocation of consent to the processing of personal data, the operator will ensure the immediate blocking and liquidation of all your personal data. The operator declares that it processes only correct, complete and, as far as possible, updated personal data of the affected persons older than 16 years. The operator processes the personal data of the affected persons in electronic form and ensures their security by taking appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent their unauthorized access, damage, destruction, loss, change, or any other inadmissible method of processing. The data obtained are not subject to profiling or automated decision-making. The operator does not transfer personal data to a third country or to an international organization. Without your express consent, the operator will not provide your personal data to other persons / entities, with the exception of an accountant for the purpose of keeping accounts in accordance with special regulations, an auditor, a lawyer, or entities authorized by law (e.g. tax office, etc.).


The provision of personal data as well as the granting of your consent to their processing is free, voluntary and certain. On the basis of a free written request sent by e-mail to, you as a data subject have the right to ask the operator for:

And access to your personal data and information about their processing (you have the right to obtain confirmation from the operator as to whether it processes your personal data and, if so, you have the right to obtain access to it and information according to Article 15 GDPR)

B correction of inaccurate or incorrect data and completion of incomplete data according to Art. 16 GDPR (e.g. when changing your personal data);

C deletion of your personal data if any of the reasons according to Art. 17 GDPR (e.g. if the purpose of processing ceases, or if personal data is processed illegally);

D restriction of the processing of your personal data regarding one of the cases listed in Art. 18 GDPR (e.g. if the processing is unlawful and you object to the erasure of personal data and request a restriction of their use instead);

E transfer of your personal data, on the basis of which you can obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, either for yourself or for another controller of personal data pursuant to Art. 20 GDPR;

F objection to the processing of your personal data according to Art. 21 GDPR (e.g. if you believe that they are processed in violation of the protection of your private and personal life or in violation of legal regulations, you can also object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, automated decision-making, including profiling);

G revocation of your consent according to Art. 7 point 3 GDPR.

In order to verify the identity of the applicant, it is necessary to state your name, surname, residential address and year of birth in the application.


As a data subject, you have the right to submit a proposal to initiate proceedings at the Office for the Protection of Personal Data of the Slovak Republic, located at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27, if you believe that your personal data is being processed without authorization. The proposal must contain information according to § 100 of the ZOOÚ. Further information on the processing of personal data is available on the website of the operator: , in the section Personal data protection.


The person concerned declares that the personal data provided are true, up-to-date and were freely provided.